Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Peace vs. Restlessness? Which bodes better?

Been thinking a lot about existential aspects lately, been ruminating quietly and hopefully, deeply on the issue. I tend to kind of hunker down and think and self-argue my way through instead of putting fingers to keyboard right away, unlike a very good friend of mine , who seeks and finds peace in writing.
Many a time a random comment or a slightly longer conversation does send me off on a tangent and gets me into a reflective state; recently, there was one such comment. A colleague who said he was trying to understand what made me tick asked if I was satisfied with what I did and did I not feel restless, given that I was more or less doing the same thing over a time.

That made me think. And this is what I came up with.

A degree of self-satisfaction, a sense of peace that what you are currently doing, the task that you are executing is what you were meant to do, needs to be there.

This sense of peace, of rightness, as it were, is what enables me to give my very best to the task in hand, so much so, that I strive to excel at what it is that I am doing. This results in me going to the Nth limit, straining and expanding my visible or current boundaries for the task in hand and learning whether I can push these limits further, thereby expanding my horizons first; then helping others' expand theirs. Of course, given that it is a very practical world, at least the openly visible professional part of it, this dedication, this drive to be the best leads to: a) ultimate personal-professional satisfaction; b) being acknowledged as the best, that there is, at least within your defined professional space (could be limited to the company, could be industry-wide).

And then, I can release that restless spirit that is always present, bring it to the surface, allow it to have its head and seek newer pastures as it were, fresher, more complicated arenas, which will obviously need the focus of all my energies to experience, to understand, to conquer a new domain. It is this restlessness to learn, to explore, to gain new knowledge, to master it that pushes me to expand myself, both professionally and personally.

Having planted my flag on various fields, I move on to the next one. Does this make me a varied specialist or a generalist, I don't know. What I do know is that this allows me to be the best that I can be, to give to my most external limit, to push myself beyond.

Childhood days: Games, play and a lesson in togetherness

The other day, one of the ladies in the apartments where I stay was bemoaning her kids' unwillingness to play outside; she recalled her...