Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mango Afficiandos

2nd Transfer from older blog, attempt to consolidate into one:

Mangoes bring to the fore a gamut of emotions: from the deep abiding passion of the one who must taste/savor the season's first mango to a bewildered shrug wondering what the fuss is all about to a dislike. It is not just humans who like the fruit though, God's other creatures also fancy it.

Waking up in the morning it is customary for me to spend some time gazing at the mango tree that presents itself outside my bedroom window. And, so it was that I espied a couple of parrots breaking their fast on the tree. This was an opportunity too good to be true, so a recourse to the camera was sought (here, I need to confess, that i am a beginner, just about fumbling my way with the lens), but they do say use every opportunity, so....

I could barely see the parrot camouflaged as it was by the mango leaves, but I tried and i think i can see the tail...

The other one flew before I could even make an attempt to focus on it, forget capture, so I set about my morning chores. About 20 min later, Razia, my lovely house-help called out to me "there are 4 poppats (parrots) on the tree, come see". Back I went and indeed there were four. Well, the camera came out again and attempts were made.
Duo at breakfast...

One having brekky, the other on guard as it were...

Contemplation: should I, shouldn't I:

Mine, all mine:

Did I hear someone come by?

Three birds of a feather, flocking together...

Face to face or is it beak to beak...

The Mango tree on which the parrots lavished so much attention...

These seem to be safe, or is it that they are still raw?

Flowers, glorious flowers: a small peek into the Annual Flower Show, Allahabad

Have had two blogs for many years; this is just trying to collate the posts into one, don't know how successful it will be, but... here's the 1st transfer

Flowers, glorious flowers, in all colors imaginable, with innumerable fragrances, shapes and sizes. This description, or rather a small rhyme that I read somewhere, author unknown, seems quite apt:
In the garden in the wild
Flower blossoms like a child
Its color brightens our way
Its fragrance graces our day
And truly, flowers seem to epitomize nature's variety and its beauty and they rarely ever fail to enthrall. And yes, the bright sprinkling of colors heralds spring. And, in many places round the world Spring is a time for celebration and also for that human endeavor called the "Flower Show". Though of course humans are not content with flowers as nature probably created them and do tinker with them coming up with variations that awe the eyes and mind.

Having returned to my hometown after 17 long years, I, too with other residents of the city looked forward to Spring and the Annual Flower show (AFS). The AFS is held towards the end of February, when the deep chill of winter is receding and days are warming up, in Company Bagh; its grounds are expansive enough to accommodate both the numerous flowers and teeming crowds that come to see them.

Of course, opportunities to play around with the DSLR are far and few, so the flower show was definitely not to be missed. Though I must admit I did cause quite some consternation at the AFS, a very tall woman totting a DSLR, capturing shots now and then. But I was oblivious to them, so I enjoyed myself thoroughly. These are some pictures that were taken at the AFS, there are many more than what I am about to upload now, but I have to admit, I am quite an ignoramus when it comes to identifying different flowers, so only those whose names I know are being shared for the now. I have asked my cousin (she is the family authority and of course, the resident green thumb) to help me identify/name others.

For the now...




Yes, I know I did say, I would upload only those that I could identify, but maybe, just maybe, a visitor to this blog can help me identify this one. All I's a hybrid...

Childhood days: Games, play and a lesson in togetherness

The other day, one of the ladies in the apartments where I stay was bemoaning her kids' unwillingness to play outside; she recalled her...